The Hunt (2012)
Seeds: 135
Peers: 100
Torrent Details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2012
Genre: Drama
Director: Thomas Vinterberg
Starring: Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Annika Wedderkopp
Teachers living lonely, all while fighting for custody of her children. His life gets progressively better as she finds love and gets good news from her, but once again fate is about to be brutally violated by innocent little lie.
Hunt is the latest drama from Danish auteur firm Thomas Vinterberg. Co-written by Tobias Lindholm, this is an ambitious vehicle for the legendary actor Mads Mikkelsen, iconic and familiar faces of Denmark in the world as well. He plays Luke, a small-town kindergarten teacher. In the center of the story is ultimately a powerful comment on the damage, based on real events, which can leave you feeling drained but very moved.To delve into the plot here would reveal too much. So ill just say that this film is quite dark and deals with some difficult things can be very hard to watch sometimes. Sick leave it to you to decide if you want to be more aware of the details of the main synopsis.This really see a one-man show. Although supporting cast members all took up the challenge, Luke is on screen almost every moment of the film and the overall success rises or falls on its believability. Fine Mikkelsens underplayed description of a person under fire probably wont be valued or understood by all readers. His restrained performance is remarkable and not much to do Hunt haunting, unforgettable experience. Among children, Annika Wedderkopps Klara picture looks bright. He stole every scene she's physical beauty blade production belies the ugliness. Natural light is used to match the height and depth of feeling kindergarten children. Their innocence depicted in intensity. When surrounded by love, they glow. Warm and inviting color palette. The fear rises, they appear in the shadows. Does.This turns sorrowful tableau essay is a very quiet and thoughtful experience in many ways. Nikolaj Egelunds points are rare. Janus editor Billeskov Jansen and Anne? Sterud measured and deliberate pace. The focus is on the story. Long take no dialogue quite effectively as perceived in the eyes of many, the face of Luke, children, and the urban population. Cinematographer Charlotte Christensen Bruus enable Green Landscaping Danish countryside to ease the audience into a sense of security, on the other hand to fret just below the surface, ready to jump out like a demon in a horror movie. But this is real life nightmare, not the result of imaginative genre writer, which is cool to bone.Hollywood can not touch this thing and have anywhere near the impact. Independently supported by the production company Sweden and Denmark, the director Vinterberg really meant to set and shoot pictures in Canada but better tax incentives and financing brings him back to his home country of Denmark. No matter, though. It's kind of far flung villages that can be found anywhere in the world.The Hunt is simple sad movie I've seen all year but there is a cathartic way that works just great art can be achieved. Statement rough and hard hitting judgment in our society that attracts no Punches controversial story of ripped-from-the-head story, repeated all too often in recent history, both spicy and that polarization authenticity.It is difficult for me to hold back tears during the inspection. I broke several times. Many were touched by some scenes more than others, but Hunt is one of the most emotional impact and film Ive ever seen and one of the best in 2012.
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